Friday, January 28, 2011

Volunteer Opportunity!

Have you ever imagined the daily life of kampong communities in Indonesia? How it is to grow up in isolated regions without the benefits of  proper education and public facilities? 

Indonesia "Act Local Think Global"  is an ICT community development project which empowers  Indonesian youths from marginalized  households to raise their voice and enhance capacity and communication through ICT’s and the establishment of Community Development Centres.

The project provides the opportunity of working and implementing learning methods  via digital media (computer applications). Through the development of course packs teaching the basics and practice of English, Dutch-, Indonesian language and computer, youngsters from the age of 12 until 17 are given the opportunity enhance capacity and enrich their daily life experience.

For this 'Access to Knowledge' program Spotlight is looking for volunteers, mentors or anyone who is interested to share a piece of his / her knowledge to the community. By means of interactive learning sessions and the use of a webcam, people from the kampong communities can connect with you and other people across the globe. 
  1. A computer, webcam, Internet connection
  2. Yahoo Messenger account if not Skype or Facebook
  3. Some minutes of spare time 
For further inquiries on how to participate, post your comment and register to this blog as follower. Start of the Indonesia "Act local Think Global" Project, March 2011

Project Location

The village  of Labuan Bajo in the West of Flores Island Nusa Tenggara Timor (NTT) is the location where the program activities are executed. The Manggarai ethnic group is generally considered to be the indigenous group in West Flores . As the regional capital of West Manggarai and with direct flights from Bali  and Kupang, Labuan Bajo retrieving its status as gateway to the Komodo and Rinca Islands, acknowledged for their tourism potential and natural beauty. 

Nonetheless the promise benefits too few in regard to the level of infrastructure, education, health care and economic progress. High rates of widespread malnutrition, infant and maternal mortality where both rural poverty and ‘hot spot’ tourism can be found, describing the two Indonesia's rural and urban. In other terms a more challenging set of scenes for project implementation aiming to empowering communities is hard to imagine.
Project Location Labuan Bajo West Flores Nusa Tenggar Timur (NTT)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

About Spotlight / Tentang Spotlight

Spotlight is an emerging centre for new media based in Jakarta which provides creative solutions in education development, graphic design, photography and *ICT's  for organisations and individuals. The implementation of both traditional and new media offers a wide spectrum of products and services  to comply with the demands of our customers. Ranging from designs for the print and publishing industry, such as brochures, sales pieces, books and magazines to digital media: websites, databases, stock images and short animation. In addition to commissioned work, Spotlight initiates and manages in–house projects which involve the collaboration with partners who share a common interest; contributing to the progress of Indonesia arts and culture.  Photography exhibitions, book publications, video documentaries and multimedia performances are just a few of the many activities Spotlight undertakes.

Spotlight adalah sebuah pusat New Media yang baru muncul, berbasis di Jakarta yang memberikan solusi kreatif di bidang perkembangan edukasi,  desain grafis, fotografi, dan *ICT baik untuk lembaga maupun perorangan. Implementasi dari kedua media, tradisional dan baru menawarkan wacana luas dari berbagai produk dan layanan yang memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan kami. Mulai dari desain-desain untuk industri percetakan dan penerbit di antara brosur, barang promosi, buku dan majalah sampai media digital: situs web, database, koleksi gambar serta animasi pendek. Selain produksi karya atas permintaan, Spotlight mengajukan dan mengelola proyek-proyek sendiri (in-house) yang melibatkan kolaborasi dengan mitra yang mempunyai kepentingan bersama; memberikan  kontribusi terhadap kemajuan seni dan budaya Indonesia. Menyelengerakan pameran fotografi, publikasi buku, pembuatan video dokumenter, pertunjukan multimedia hanya sekilas dari berbagai kegiatan Spotlight lakukan.
* Information Communication Technology ( Informasi Komunikasi Teknologi )